Daily Worker — ежедневная американская политическая газета левой направленности, созданная в 1924 году в Нью-Йорке Коммунистической партией США. Тираж доходил до 35 000 экземпляров.
Daily Worker | |
Тип | газета |
Страна | |
Основана | 1921 |
Прекращение публикаций | 1958 |
Язык | английский |
ISSN | 2769-4763 и 2769-4771 |
Выходила до 1956 года, затем выходила в виде воскресной газеты The Worker с 1958 по 1968 год и вторничного издания Midweek Worker с 1961 до 1968 года. В 1968 году компартия возобновила выход ежедневной газеты под названием The Daily World.
В 1986 она была объединена с еженедельником West Coast в новое издание People’s World, которое выходило как еженедельник с 1987 по 1991, после чего выпуск был прекращён.
- Fetter, Henry D. «The Party Line and the Color Line: The American Communist Party, the Daily Worker and Jackie Robinson.» Journal of Sport History 28, no. 3 (Fall 2001).
- Lamb, Christopher and Rusinack, Kelly E. «Hitting From the Left: The Daily Worker’s Assault on Baseball’s Color Line». Gumpert, Gary and Drucker, Susan J., eds. Take Me Out to the Ballgame: Communicating Baseball. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press, 2002.
- Rusinack, Kelly E. «Baseball on the Radical Agenda: The Daily and Sunday Worker Journalistic Campaign to Desegregate Major League Baseball, 1933—1947». Dorinson, Joseph, and Woramund, Joram, eds. Jackie Robinson: Race, Sports, and the American Dream. New York: E.M. Swift, 1998.
- Smith, Ronald A. «The Paul Robeson-Jackie Robinson Saga and a Political Collision». Journal of Sport History 6, no. 2 (1979).
- Evans, William Barrett. «Revolutionist Thought in the Daily Worker, 1919—1939». Ph.D. diss. University of Washington, 1965.
- Jeffries, Dexter. «Richard Wright and the ‘Daily Worker’: A Native Son’s Journalistic Apprenticeship». Ph.D. diss. City University of New York, 2000.
- Rusinack, Kelly E. «Baseball on the Radical Agenda: The Daily and Sunday Worker on Desegregating Major League Baseball, 1933—1947». M.A. Thesis, Clemson University, South Carolina, 1995.
- Shoemaker, Martha Mcardell. «Propaganda or Persuasion: The Communist Party and Its Campaign to Integrate Baseball». Master’s thesis. University of Nevada, Las Vegas, 1999.
- Chambers, Whittaker. Witness. New York: Random House, 1952.
- Hemingway, Andrew. Artists on the Left: American Artists and the Communist Movement, 1926—1956. New Haven, Yale University Press, 2002.
- Schappes, Morris U. The Daily Worker: Heir to the Great Tradition. New York: Daily Worker, 1944.
- . Press Box Red: The Story of Lester Rodney, The Communist Who Helped Break the Color Line in American Sports. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 2003.
- The ISSN portal (англ.) — Paris: ISSN International Centre, 2005. — ISSN 0307-7594
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O britanskom izdanii sm Morning Star Daily Worker ezhednevnaya amerikanskaya politicheskaya gazeta levoj napravlennosti sozdannaya v 1924 godu v Nyu Jorke Kommunisticheskoj partiej SShA Tirazh dohodil do 35 000 ekzemplyarov Daily Worker Tip gazeta Strana SShA Osnovana 1921 Prekrashenie publikacij 1958 Yazyk anglijskij ISSN 2769 4763 i 2769 4771 Vyhodila do 1956 goda zatem vyhodila v vide voskresnoj gazety The Worker s 1958 po 1968 god i vtornichnogo izdaniya Midweek Worker s 1961 do 1968 goda V 1968 godu kompartiya vozobnovila vyhod ezhednevnoj gazety pod nazvaniem The Daily World V 1986 ona byla obedinena s ezhenedelnikom West Coast v novoe izdanie People s World kotoroe vyhodilo kak ezhenedelnik s 1987 po 1991 posle chego vypusk byl prekrashyon IstochnikiStati Fetter Henry D The Party Line and the Color Line The American Communist Party the Daily Worker and Jackie Robinson Journal of Sport History 28 no 3 Fall 2001 Lamb Christopher and Rusinack Kelly E Hitting From the Left The Daily Worker s Assault on Baseball s Color Line Gumpert Gary and Drucker Susan J eds Take Me Out to the Ballgame Communicating Baseball Cresskill NJ Hampton Press 2002 Rusinack Kelly E Baseball on the Radical Agenda The Daily and Sunday Worker Journalistic Campaign to Desegregate Major League Baseball 1933 1947 Dorinson Joseph and Woramund Joram eds Jackie Robinson Race Sports and the American Dream New York E M Swift 1998 Smith Ronald A The Paul Robeson Jackie Robinson Saga and a Political Collision Journal of Sport History 6 no 2 1979 Dissertacii Evans William Barrett Revolutionist Thought in the Daily Worker 1919 1939 Ph D diss University of Washington 1965 Jeffries Dexter Richard Wright and the Daily Worker A Native Son s Journalistic Apprenticeship Ph D diss City University of New York 2000 Rusinack Kelly E Baseball on the Radical Agenda The Daily and Sunday Worker on Desegregating Major League Baseball 1933 1947 M A Thesis Clemson University South Carolina 1995 Shoemaker Martha Mcardell Propaganda or Persuasion The Communist Party and Its Campaign to Integrate Baseball Master s thesis University of Nevada Las Vegas 1999 Knigi Chambers Whittaker Witness New York Random House 1952 Hemingway Andrew Artists on the Left American Artists and the Communist Movement 1926 1956 New Haven Yale University Press 2002 Schappes Morris U The Daily Worker Heir to the Great Tradition New York Daily Worker 1944 Press Box Red The Story of Lester Rodney The Communist Who Helped Break the Color Line in American Sports Philadelphia Temple University Press 2003 PrimechaniyaThe ISSN portal angl Paris ISSN International Centre 2005 ISSN 0307 7594 Eto zagotovka stati o pechatnyh izdaniyah Pomogite Vikipedii dopolniv eyo